Saturday, August 18, 2012

Aloha to Penguin Books!

Aloha to Penguin Books!

He kēhau ho’oma’ema’e ka aloha.
Love is like a cleansing dew.

Uwe ka lani, ola ka honua. 
When the heavens weep, the earth lives.

`A`ohe hana nui ke alu `ia. 
No task is too big when done together by all.

Aloha kekahi i kekahi. 
Love one another.

Ah, the lucky cats out today!  What is your favorite pet?  One randomly selected commenter from this week's blogs wins a book choice from my convention stash.   This giveaway is open to all readers.  Comments are open through Saturday, August 25.  I'll post the winner on Sunday, August 26.


Kim in Hawaii


  1. I love fish, especially betas.

  2. I'm such a cat person but I love my dog too. If I could have a wild pet tamed it would be a raccoon. They are adorable!

  3. Well, I do have two very spoiled I would say my cats!

  4. I do have a cat but I also love dogs.

  5. Dogs are my favorites. I do love all kinds of pets, though.

  6. Have asthma but I so love cats. I even call my cat my child because he's so sweet!

  7. I love cats! Right now I have two black cats that are brother and sister.

  8. I love animals. I currently have 2 dogs and 2 cats, plus a bird. I have developed a bit of an allergy to cats so (hopefully) these will be my last 2. But I will probably always have at least one dog. My oddest pet was a raccoon. She was an orphan and I raised her for a year until she could be placed in a safe sanctuary.

  9. I'd have to say my daughter's cat. She fit in my hand when we brought her home 9 years ago. She's a Manx (no tail) and is so funny with some of the things she does: she'll play fetch just like a dog would and she'll sit on her hind legs and sort of beg. She will kill spiders and scorpions (all kinds of bugs) and then meow until we follow her to see what she wants and she's just looking for praise for the dead thing! She's also very loving and will sometimes sit on my chest and put her paws around my neck to hug me.

  10. I had a long haired calico cat named Tara. She was so sweet and had such a calming effect on me. I miss her a lot!

  11. Kittimals!!! I love Kitties. Mine is sick but I'm hoping she's going to pull through.

  12. Doggies! I love my dachies. My Rock is my buddy. He has to escort me to the bathroom, stands guard while I do my business or bath. Every night he makes sure that I go to bed.. with him cuddled up.. and he doesn't like hubby getting too close!

  13. I love a cat that acts like a a puppy. :)

  14. When I was younger my Brother raised Canaries we Kept one for a pet called him Winky he talked said Pretty bird , give us a kiss.
    Loved to fly around the house land on your shoulder chirp in your ear( kissing noise) he was my All time favorite Pet...
    PS he would swear too ( cheeky bu&&*r).
    have a good one Ann/alba

  15. I love animals including cats and dogs. But, my favorite pet is my almost 12 year old white shepherd mix, Sandy. We got her from the pound and she has been one of the great loves of my life.

  16. I've had two wonderful dogs but at the moment I have 5 cats so I have to go with cats :)

  17. I love little doggies too, and tiny kittens. I also love horses. So, I go from little to big. I love, love all animals. God's precious creatures put here on earth for us to all love and enjoy.

  18. I would vote for dogs as well!

  19. Like dogs or turle

  20. i'm not really an animal person, so i wouldn't have a favorite pet.....tho does an Older Brother count??? LOL!!!
    thanx for the giveaway!!!!
