The Savage Volunteer Fire Company joined the celebration at Savage Fest. From their website (link),
The approximately 85 Savage Volunteers continue to operate out of the station located at 8925 Lincoln St. Currently we respond to emergencies with a Pierce Engine (county owned), Pierce Rescue-Engine (Savage VFC owned), Pierce 105 ft. Ladder Truck (Savage VFC owned), a Paramedic Unit (county owned), an Ambulance (county owned) and a brush truck (Savage VFC owned). Six career staff are assigned to work at the Savage Fire Station on a rotating 24 hour shift and routinely staff the Paramedic Unit and Engine. Savage VFC responds to some 4,000 calls a year for emergency assistance.
The firewoman demonstrates the sky's the limit to this young American.
The fireman showed the budding demo man how to aim.
Every year, I enjoy a grilled sausage from the Marine Corps League.
They sang the Marine Corps Hymn for me!
They raise funds for scholarships in honor of their namesake, SSgt Karl G. Taylor, who posthumously received the Medal of Honor. From the Marine Corps League website (link),
President Richard M. Nixon awarded posthumously the Medal of Honor to the family of Staff Sergeant Karl G. Taylor during a joint-service ceremony at the White House on February 16, 1971.
His Medal of Honor citation reads:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving at night (on December 8, 1968) as a company gunnery sergeant during Operation MEADE RIVER. Informed that the commander of the lead platoon had been mortally wounded when his unit was pinned down by a heavy volume of enemy fire, SSgt Taylor along with another marine, crawled forward to the beleaguered unit through a hail of hostile fire, shouted encouragement and instructions to the men, and deployed them to covered positions. With his companion, he then repeatedly maneuvered across an open area to rescue those marines who were too seriously wounded to move by themselves. Upon learning that there were still other seriously wounded men lying in another open area, in proximity to an enemy machinegun position, SSgt Taylor, accompanied by four comrades, led his men forward across the fire-swept terrain in an attempt to rescue the marines. When his group was halted by devastating fire, he directed his companions to return to the company command post; whereupon he took his grenade launcher and in full view of the enemy, charged across the open rice paddy toward the machinegun position, firing his weapon as he ran. Although wounded several times, he succeeded in reaching the machinegun bunker and silencing the fire from that sector, moments before he was mortally wounded. Directly instrumental in saving the lives of several of his fellow marines, SSgt Taylor, by his indomitable courage, inspiring leadership, and selfless dedication, upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the U.S. Naval Service.

Thank you, SSgt Taylor, for your selfless service.
Do you have a local festival in your home town? One randomly selected commenter from this week's posts wins a book choice from my convention stash. Comments are open through Saturday, June 18, 10 pm in Baltimore. I'll post the winner on Sunday, June 19, at SOS Aloha.
Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City
The town is build around Savage Mill.
The current manager dressed in 1850s costume.
No, we do not, it would be such fun, thanks for sharing the good times.
ReplyDeleteNo there isn't a festival in my village.
ReplyDeleteWell in living in NYC and there's always something or the other going down in this city
ReplyDeleteThere are many, but one of my favorites is the San Genarro Festival in Little Italy.
ReplyDeleteWe have something called community days that has a little bit of everything, including fireworks.