Last Friday, I departed Baltimore at o-dark-hundred for Milwaukee - home of Barbara Vey's Reader Appreciation Luncheon. I was pleasantly surprised to find two other luncheon attendees at the gate - historical author Terri Brisbin and Cathy Genna, RWA's 2013 Bookseller of the Year. We chatted during our two hour flight, making it seem like no time at all.
I grabbed a quick nap at the hotel before joining reader Danielle and librarian Lynne for lunch. We shared our fangirl moments with favorite authors.
Later in the evening, we attended the Q&A with the 61 authors attending the luncheon. Here's a sample (paraphrase based on my notes).
Angie Fox: What the hardest part of being an author? Making dinner in the middle of a scene.
Cherry Adair: What inspired you to become an author? I started to rewrite new endings to books I was reading.
Damon Suede: What do you spend your downtime? Collect bad movies (Damon hosts Cinema Craptastique at the RT Booklovers Convention).
Deeanne Gist: What is your favorite Romantic Comedy movie? Kate and Leopald with Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman. I watched it on a transoceanic flight twice because it was Hugh Jackman!
Eileen Dreyer: Do you kill off characters that remind you of real people. Yes! I used to be a trauma nurse.
Eloisa James: What was the worst advice you received? Write the book of your heart. Only you and your heart will buy it.
Write the book that will sell.
Heather Graham: What music have you played while writing? Conan the Barbarian while writing that type of character.
Jason Mott: What did you in real life before writing? I worked in a Verizon Call Center. Just in case you call a center, know that we cannot help you find your cell phone.
Joanne Rock: Have you disagreed with an editor? I've considered their feedback and slept on it.
Katy Lee: What was the best advice you received? Join RWA.
Kelsey Browning: Are your heroes like your significant other? My husband is Macgyver so I write characters who can fix things.
Kimberly Lang: What do you eat on deadline? Jelly beans and Diet Coke.
Kristan Higgins: If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Write a book in two months.
Sharon Sala: What is the most embarrassing moment in a book signing? Two chapter mates came to a signing, one called out, "OMG, its Sharon Sala". The other, "I need her autograph" and they walked over to my table in exaggerated slow motion.
Terri Brisbin: How do you come up with character names? I hear them in my head.
Tracy Solheim: Who would you cast to star in a film about your book? The cover from FOOLISH GAMES looks like Matt Damon so I would cast Matt Damon.

I am giving away a book choice from my convention stash to one randomly selected commenter from this week's posts. To enter the giveaway,
1. What question would you ask an author at the luncheon?
2. Comments are open through Saturday, May 2, 10 pm in Baltimore.
3. I'll post the winner on Sunday, May 3, on my book blog, SOS Aloha.
Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City
I might ask who they favorite authors are who inspires them as authors.
ReplyDeleteI always have a hard time coming up with a question when asked what to ask an author. I think I would ask what hobbies they have when they are not writing.
ReplyDeleteI always want to know what they want to write but cannot because of marketing constraints.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get their ideas for their storyline. It was great seeing you again Kim.
ReplyDeleteI like to know what authors other authors read.
ReplyDeleteDi, authors don't get to read! It's the MAJOR downside to being on the hamster wheel. That being said, I love to read just about anything. I didn't think I'd like paranormal, but I ended up judging a paranormal book once and it was fantastic.
DeleteI would ask what was the first novel they ever read.
ReplyDeleteI would ask how they balance raising children, attending their children's activities, personal time with hubby, and running a household with their writing schedule.
ReplyDeleteThanks for including me, Kim!
not sure what to ask
ReplyDeleteFun! I didn't go to the Q&A session as I didn't want to get a hotel room so close to home. Glad for the share.