Saturday, September 14, 2013

Aloha to Fort George G. Meade

We previously lived on Fort Meade before moving to Hawaii. When we returned to Maryland, we chose to live off post.  Yet we frequent Fort Meade several times a week for the commissary, exchange, and even the bowling alley (where my teens are part of the youth league).    As they bowled, I grabbed my camera ...

From its website (link),

Authorized by an Act of Congress in May 1917, Fort Meade was one of 16 cantonments built for troops drafted for the war with the Central Powers in Europe. The present Maryland site was selected June 23, 1917 because of its close proximity to the railroad, Baltimore port and Washington D.C. The cost for construction was $18 million and the land sold for $37 per acre in 1917. The post was originally named Camp Meade for Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade, whose victory at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 proved a major factor in turning the tide of the Civil War in favor of the North. The 5,400 acres of land on which Fort Meade sits was originally owned by Maj. Samuel Snowden, a Revolutionary War hero.

Fort Meade offers a wide range of housing, including the historic brick homes which are allocated to Colonels.

The brick facades continue at the library, 

historic chapel,

and garrison headquarters. 

Fort Meade is conveniently near BWI airport, where many military personnel arrive from overseas deployment.  Above is Miss Northern Maryland Teen with goodie bags from the USO.

Expect more pictures from Fort Meade in the coming weeks!


Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City


  1. You always have something interesting to show us :)

  2. It's going to be fun learning more about Fort Meade and the surrounding area. Pretty buildings. Miss Northern Maryland Teen is a lovely young lady - bet she brings smiles to the returning military personnel.

  3. The brick homes remind me a bit of the ones at Wet Point.

  4. I love older homes like this one. They have such big rooms and so much character!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us! I love to learn about this big wonderful country that we live in!

  6. Meade is a pretty post. Thanks for the reminder. Tweeted.

  7. I remember BWI being the setting for a reality show about Southwest Airlines.

  8. Love all the brick. Don't see much of that out my way.
